The Dreaded End-of-Lease Clean!

The Dreaded End-of-Lease Clean!

Here are some tips for doing a rental clean once it’s time to move out

Plan Ahead

Just as cramming all your studying into the night before a test leads to poor results, cleaning your entire rental property in one fell swoop is a recipe for disaster.

If you’re planning on cleaning the property yourself then leave enough time to do a thorough job before needing to hand the keys back to the property manager or landlord. If you are arranging a professional cleaner then book them well in advance.

Clean Room by Room

Finishing each room before you start the next will ensure you don’t forget to do anything, before starting the next room.

Have a Checklist

Walls and doors, windows, sills and fly screens, lights, mirrors, cupboards and drawers, replace blown light globes. The kitchen and bathroom always needs extra cleaning including the oven and inside the dishwasher. Leave the floors until last.

Don’t Forget Outside Areas

Lawns and weeding, verandas, paths, outside of windows and removing any rubbish.

Repair any damage that has been caused during your tenancy. Your landlord/property manager will be able to provide you with a list of their preferred cleaners if needed. Doing a thorough clean will ensure your bond is returned in full.

If you would like any more details on end of lease cleaning please contact our Property Management Team. Our Property Maintenance Team led by Matt can also help out with any repairs/lawns that you might need done.